cross-point New Pattern: Morocco Stripe coverlet


Morocco Stripe Coverlet 05 in colors

Morocco Stripe Coverlet in 05 in colors

I added a new pattern size to the extensive Morocco Stripe collection page on the website today. The Morocco Stripe Coverlet is available in all 8 existing colorways as well as custom colors.

At 23 1/2″ wide by 10″ high (60 x 25 cm), it is a perfect size for drop leaf  table tops, small chest tops, and is an ideal size for protecting arms of sofas and upholstered chairs. Two coverlets (one for each arm) can be added to either end of a piece of plain fabric which would be tucked in under the chair seat to keep the two arm protectors in place. For a sofa, I would add plain fabric that can be tucked down as well to hold the coverlet in place.
Please visit the website to see all available color options, and, all cross-pointkits are also available in custom colors. Shown below, left to right: coverlet on armchair, on drop leaf table top, and on sofa arm.Morocco Stripe Coverlet

About Sieglinde

Designer and owner of, my cross-stitch and needlepoint kit business. By profession I am a Landscape Architect near Asheville, NC. I currently have two wordpress blogs, one for and another I named Garden Threads (
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1 Response to cross-point New Pattern: Morocco Stripe coverlet

  1. linda oldham says:

    Really nice, yum. Good that you showed uses for the coverlet because I thought it would be for a bed. What’s the history behind these Moroccan beauties?

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